For a wine country going away party…
It’s the middle of summer, and some gardening tasks have been relegated to the back burner…with the exception of necessary watering, weeding, and deadheading. But there are still plenty of opportunities for entertaining, even during the dog days of July and August.

Wine corks in glass…
A long-time customer came in a few months ago, and, in the course of our conversation, she mentioned she was heartbroken her daughter’s husband had been transferred to the wine country of California – a move that would, of course, also take her daughter and grandchildren half the country away. Well, the going away party was a few weeks ago. As it turns out, she has collected wine corks for years, and this was the perfect time to use them. She brought in all the wine corks and a glass container, and Pinkie took it from there. Here’s how it turned out.
The next arrangements shown, designed by Jamie, belong to another well-known customer who brings her containers in regularly to be filled with orchids and other foliage. She takes exceptionally good care of them, and we all enjoy working on them when she needs a “redo”.
Her dough bowl, shown here, became home to jewel-like phalaenopsis orchids (These are her favorite colors!), calatheas, Moses In the Cradle (a pretty and easy houseplant), as well as air plants. A touch of kiwi vine rounds out the composition.
More phalaenopsis orchids and calatheas fill the last container, proving that houseplants and orchids can work beautifully together!