Oak Street Garden Shop
115 Oak Street
Mountain Brook, AL 35213
205 870-7542
Oak Street Garden Shop, in the heart of Crestline Village for over 25 years, offers seasonal plants and flowers, garden shrubs, herbs, and vegetables. We specialize in container gardening, creativity, and instruction and maintain the Emmet O’Neal Community Garden across the street.
Hand Watering the Side Garden at Oak Street Garden Shop
Base of the Lichen Branch "Tree" with Swiss Cheese Philo and Noregelia Bromeliad
Succulent Planting - Closeup
Little Leaf Coleus 'Ruby Red', Profusion Zinnias - Trough Planters
Succulent Container Planting
Arrangement - Herbs and Annuals for Mother's Day
Brassidium orchid display - succulents
Purple gomphrena, Coleus, Mystic 'Illusion' dahlias, day lily 'Joan Señor'. 'Pow Wow White' coneflower
Fresh Fruit, Veggies, Pickles, Soup and Honey - June 2014
Light-Weight Brown Bowl Planted - White Angelonia, Swedish Ivy, Blue Daze, Yellow Duranta
Our Community Flower Garden...Summer 2014
Community Garden - Cleomes
Succulent Container Planting
  Oak Street Local Market
115 Oak Street
Mountain Brook, AL 35213
205 870-7542
Oak Street Local Market is full of the freshest fruits, vegetables, and herbs, as well as fresh eggs, nuts, jams, honey, and other products from our local farmers and home gardeners. We are open during the growing season with produce on the red market tables and inside the greenhouse in the winter.