In Time for Fall Planting: Shrubs, Camellias, Veggies & More 🌿

Fall is the second season of planting for gardeners, and the best time to plant many shrubs. We have some beauties in stock now!

sasanqua camellia

First and foremost, camellias! Two types of camellias are commonly found in area gardens: Sasanqua, or fall-blooming camellias, and Japanese, or winter-blooming camellias. We have great selections of both now. High shade, well-drained soil, and protected locations are perfect for these staples of southern gardens.
If your home is formal, a topiary plant can be just the ticket. We have some gorgeous boxwood topiaries of various sizes in now for just this purpose, and if you just want an evergreen shrub, the hollies, arborvitae, and junipers are lovely. Accent them with some pansies or violas, and you’ll have a stunning entrance to your home.

red lettuce

Fall is also vegetable planting time! With lettuce, arugula, kale, mustard greens, collards, broccoli, and more, you can have fresh veggies into the winter months. Come browse our kitchen garden and create your own potager!
Did you know we have Oak Street Garden Shop T-shirts? Available in all sizes, they are $25 and feature our very own Liam kitty on the back. We have a sample hanging at the front of the shop, so take a look next time you’re in.
Enjoy the fall temps this week and we’ll see you soon!