Our beautiful bleeding heart vine…clerodendron thomsonae, has graced the doorway here for over 20 years, and many of you have noticed and commented on it. Many, many years ago we purchased some of these plants and there were a few that didn’t sell and outgrew the pots…what to do with them? The grapevine placed around the doorway seemed the perfect spot to grow a vine of some sort, so we decided to try the clerodendron – really to use the left over plants more than anything! It’s been a smashing success and has become our signature tropical vine.

Pinkie works on cutting back the clerodendron – this is done each February without fail!
After all these years, the same plants are on either side of the door and have bloomed faithfully each Mother’s Day for us. Each February the vines are cut back quite hard and they bloom on all the new growth that results.