Tag Archives: plantings for sun

‘Kent’s Beauty’ Ornamental Oregano – It’s Here!

'Kent's Beauty' oregano adds a trailing element to this orchid arrangment from last December...

‘Kent’s Beauty’ oregano adds a trailing element to this orchid arrangment from last December…

Remember the pretty gray/silver leaved plant with the pretty pink blooms we had at Christmas and also into January?

The silver/gray foliage adds a nice accent to container plantings...

The silver/gray foliage adds a nice accent to container plantings…








It was an ornamental oregano called ‘Kent’s Beauty. Forced into bloom for the holidays by growers on the west coast, we have it now from local growers – admittedly much smaller and not blooming – yet!

Here it is, trailing in this planter in full sun...

Here it is, trailing in this planter in full sun…

If you plant this little one now though, you’ll have the same pink blooms this summer on a trailing plant that works well in containers and window boxes.

This oregano plays well with other sun loving plants, including zinnias, sun coleus (it looks especially nice with a contrasting dark leaf) pentas, angelonia, gomphrena and of course, other herbs.

It might be smaller, but it's the same plant to put in your pots now!

It might be smaller, but it’s the same plant to put in your pots now!

Always use light potting soil (we carry Fafards and plant all of our containers with it) water regularly especially during the hottest months, and cut it back when it has bloomed itself out – you’ll still have the pretty foliage.



Just be sure to remember the name because your friends will ask!

– Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone